
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Reunion dinner till Chor2, happy cny!

This is a short update and Good afternoon peeps! It's chor3 now and i knew that i MIA for a long time so now im back to update this dusty blog. hahah. this is what i did before i have my reunion dinner with family.

Everything in red, pink. Do it by myself. Refer to the first pic, the top one is mine which is in pink base coat and for the bottom one is mum's toes. And after that? REUNION DINNER! steamboat kekekekeke.

Mostly were prepared by my daddy and this steamboat was soooooooooooooo awesome:D let's get into Chor1.

So... the image above shown that im not wearing any traditional clothes like cheongsam and all that, just a simple tee from oreef and mini skirt from orange. and ohyeahhh, im holding mummy's surprise. :p Get angpau from mummy. #TheFirstAngpauFor2012.

Went for 'shi ye gong' for praying. *every-year's-new-year-to-do-list*. For the previous year, there will be alot of people use to pray there but for this year, lesser than previous year. and me, my bro, and my maid just stand outside there cos its toooooooooooooooooooo smoky.

And went to maternal-grandma house:D. Took pic with my cousin. :)

This was the first time that i smiled and show my teeth? gah its ugly and i knew it. and after chit-chating in grandma's house. we departed and heading to uncle's house. and angpaus again! hahaah. photo-shooting session. #ladies.

For dinner, went to grandma's house again. and took a pic on the swing hehe:)

Chor2. Cousins (dad's side) came to my house for 'kai nian'. Shoot shoot again! 

Played fireworks with cousins:D

And see this little cousin Ryan. hahahaha so cute. he doesn't want us to capture him so he hide himself like this. so funny and cute XD

So just wait for the update for the following cny celebration and BYE:D 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Paviliion day :)

Woke up around 7am in the morning and went breakfast with mummy. *start chit chat* while chit-chatting i asked my mum to go for shopping after breakfast and it's around 9.30 that time, i was like ohyeahhh time for me to sapu new year clothes. Nothing special for my look today, tee;shorts;ribbonshoes. Saw lotsa bears outside of the entrance and *sigh* im in the car. if not im goin to take pic with them. sibey cute! <3


The dragon is seriously long and it turns turns turns turns till the top floor. four words can descirbe the scene, 'people mountain people sea'. and seriously i like this kind of deco very much, quite elegant and gave me those cny feelings. hahaha.

We went to TANGS. something like Marks & Spencer / Robinsons. Bought two puma shirts in the event hall of TANGS. and umm one slipper. lotsa new year clothes for daddy, mummy, brother and grandpapa. and guess what? we're the early shoppers weeeeeeeee :P Mummy seems to be in a good mood today, she bought something like no need to waste money. she bought a pair of ruby earrings, that kind of ummm... hanging one? for about 300bucks something. and bought those freakin exp shirts -.-

And afterthat, needa fill up our empty stomach and went for lunch @ food republic. just a simple lunch. actually i was craving for Chatime but *sighs again* i cant find it :(. i'm not paviliion kaki. lol. so just continue our shopping time at Coach.

Mummy bought a small pouch, it's in cream colour. quite nice. and it costs about 400bucks. okay wth. she never think for more than 15mins LOL. and continue taking a look in the shop. Mummy wanted to buy me a 1555bucks bag and yeah really nice. but i rejected. First, i scare get robbed. Second, i scare i will make it dirty like how i accidentally dirty my Longchamp handbag. hahaha.

So here comes the conclusion:






Mummy spent about 1k today. Byebye money $.$

Friday, January 13, 2012



這篇我有很多東西要寫。:) 進入正題。有關注的都應該知道我上了高二都很不開心,很沒有目標,很擔心。一個星期,才5天是上課天,已經很難挨了。我真不敢想像接下來該怎麼過!=.= 今天班上來了兩個轉班生,變成了班上兩個同學要和別班調換。兩個原本不願意換,可是到最後還是要換過去。可憐你們,一路順風哈哈哈哈。高二的生活 ---> 功課,溫習,補習;功課,溫習,補習。每個星期都一直重複這樣的pattern =.=

對了,聽說有些班級的體育老師很DB,上體育節衣服要tuck-in。有些穿緊身褲的怎樣,衣服小件一點的怎樣?哈哈哈哈很噁心~~(╯﹏╰)b 節哀順變。


Friday, January 6, 2012


不要懷疑,這就是我第一天開學剛到家的臉。超級累!黑眼圈是超級深,眼袋,兩眼無神。開學那天,我并沒有懷著很開心很興奮的那種心情去,真的。我很累=.= 假期的時候,我都是上課的差不多最後幾節才肯起床的,現在太陽都還沒有升起來就去上課。還有, 我知道我升上高二,哪裡值得高興嘞其實?:( 大考,預考,畢業。

我不喜歡高二,很不喜歡。我沒辦法像高一一樣這麼開心地度過,還沒度過一個月已經會有壓力。開眼SPM閉眼SPM,開口SPM閉口SPM,連寫老師要我們抄的東西,還是那三個字母;SPM。昨天把課本都帶回家了,16本,雖然比不上science班的多,可是那本account可以重死人了=.= 面對那疊課本,就只有兩個字可以形容,‘壓力’。


第一天,沒功課。第二天,抬課本回班,老師就開始上課了。開學以來的第一份功課——Account。做account的時候我有嘗試去瞭解它,可是還是它認識我,我不認識它。老師教課,我也沒辦法去避開,自然而然就是想專心聽課。有沒有聽進腦我真的不知道,回到家記不起來。看書才記起了一點點 x.x

天啊 我的中五要怎麼過啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!


明天就出發去Camp, 發洩時間到了!!!!!!!